Publisher and owner

Hotel Sonnwies GmbH
Family Hinteregger
Alter Runggerweg, 20
I - 39040 Lüsen - Südtirol

Tel. +39 0472 413533
Fax +39 0472 414291
Chamber of Commerce: Bozen
Vat ID 02432340210
CIN (Codice Identificativo Nazionale) IT021044A16683K2MT, IT021044B4N9FFX28M, IT021044B4YNZ4IFDS
Company capital: 40.000 Euro

Responsible for content according to § 5 TMG and § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Hinteregger Family


Concept & Design

Daniela Prünster

Project Management

Martin Drahorad



Familienhotel Sonnwies
Tiberio Sorvillo
Helmuth Rier

All pictures shown on this website are protected by copyright. The elaboration and maintenance of this site is carried out to the best of our knowledge and belief; we do not assume any liability for the content of linked pages of third parties, the operators of these pages are solely liable for them.

Errors and omissions excepted - similarities unintentional